Bruxism is the official name of chronic teeth grinding, and is an unconscious habit that usually occurs while the person is asleep, leaving them unaware of what they are doing. Bruxism risk factors can vary and may include a poor bite, sleep apnea, alcohol and tobacco use and stress. In order to address a habit of bruxism, it’s important to have a good understanding of the nature of the condition.
A professional oral exam is required to fully diagnose bruxism, but you can detect signs of the condition by speaking with a spouse, roommate or sibling about whether you grind your teeth during sleep. Additionally, symptoms you can recognize on your own are soreness in the jaw, tooth sensitivity, loose or fractured teeth and chronic headaches and facial pain.
Once you know you have bruxism, you can speak with our dentist and the team about options to treat your condition. We can provide a custom-made night guard that covers the teeth so that tooth grinding can’t harm them, or you may find that a prescription muscle relaxant is effective. If you feel that stress is the cause of your bruxism, try some calming practices like exercise, mediation or even therapy to bring down jaw tension.
Bruxism most often affects children, usually developing as a result of misaligned teeth, irritations in the mouth or allergies. Fortunately, children experience lesser tooth damage from bruxism due to the ongoing development of their jaws and teeth, and the habit is often outgrown by their teenage years.
To speak with Dr. Roderick S. Cooper about addressing bruxism in Tucker, Georgia, please contact Bella Dental at 770-921-9000 today to schedule your consultation.