Did you know the gum disease can occur in many stages throughout your lifetime? It is a common disease that is frequently found in many individuals with poor oral health. Typically, numerous symptoms are involved with gum disease. If you are suffering from gum tissue infection, always inspect your smile for common symptoms to determine if treatments from your dentist will be needed.
Never assume just because you’re cleaning your mouth correctly and implementing an effective diet that your teeth and gums are automatically safe. Dental damage can arise at any time and could be linked to an issue that you may not even be thinking about. In the case of gum tissue infection, it can progress over a period of many years, so it is important to spot it as soon as possible. Always be on the lookout for symptoms of gum disease. This can include uncharacteristic inflammation and swelling of your gums. Furthermore, if you frequently brush and floss and have blood visible as well as bleed during eating, it could be the sign of a gum tissue infection.
Common symptoms of gum disease include frequent bouts of halitosis and tooth recession. If it appears as if your gums are pulling back away from your teeth or bad breath continues to occur, it may be linked to an underlying condition such as gum disease. Also, be on the lookout for pus are sores between your teeth and gums, and any issues associated with pain while eating. Furthermore, if you have loose or separating teeth and what appears to be teeth that are extra movable, it could be the result of gum disease.
Is your smile in line for a makeover courtesy of gum disease treatments? Visit Bella Dental today for gum disease treatments to take your oral health to a new standard of greatness. We can be reached by scheduling an appointment with Dr. Roderick S. Cooper and our team at our dentist office in Tucker, Georgia by calling us at 770-921-9000.