Your daily routine of brushing your teeth each morning and night as well as remembering to floss once per day represents an essential step in preventing cavities and periodontal health problems. Of course, this alone cannot fully prevent oral health maladies from befalling you.
The American Dental Association also recommends that you have a dental checkup administered twice a year by a dentist like Drs. Cooper, Pullman, or Vaughn. This further represents a critical component of maintaining a healthy mouth.
Each dental checkup at Bella Dental includes a professional dental cleaning and polishing treatment performed by one of our dental hygienists. This will effectively remove plaque buildup and tartar from your teeth while also polishing away minor dental stains.
Once this is done our dentist will perform a comprehensive dental exam to check your teeth, gums, and other oral tissues for any signs of a problem. If an area of concern is found, they will present you with an effective treatment plan. Minor conditions like tooth enamel erosion might be addressed by a preventive treatment.
Patients with signs of demineralized tooth enamel might benefit from a fluoride treatment. This simple measure will help to bolster the mineral density to help prevent cavities and reduce tooth sensitivity.
If you live in the Tucker, Georgia, region and you have an oral health concern, you should call 770-921-9000 to schedule an appointment at Bella Dental.