Do you have a cracked tooth? If you answered “no”, don’t be so sure. In many cases, the dental damage is easy to see. If you break a tooth, or if you have one knocked out, the damage will be pretty hard to miss. But a tooth can be cracked from a blow to the face, grinding your teeth or... read more »
Did you know the gum disease can occur in many stages throughout your lifetime? It is a common disease that is frequently found in many individuals with poor oral health. Typically, numerous symptoms are involved with gum disease. If you are suffering from gum tissue infection, always inspect your smile for common symptoms to determine if treatments from your... read more »
Dear Member of the Bella Dental Services Community: It's never fun to learn you need a tooth pulled. But with your smile in the hands of the careful and gentle dentists at Bella Dental Services, there's no need to be nervous. With our painless tooth extraction procedures, you will feel calm and back to normal almost immediately. Watch A Bella... read more »