Your daily routine of brushing your teeth each morning and night as well as remembering to floss once per day represents an essential step in preventing cavities and periodontal health problems. Of course, this alone cannot fully prevent oral health maladies from befalling you. The American Dental Association also recommends that you have a dental checkup administered twice a year... read more »
Did you know the gum disease can occur in many stages throughout your lifetime? It is a common disease that is frequently found in many individuals with poor oral health. Typically, numerous symptoms are involved with gum disease. If you are suffering from gum tissue infection, always inspect your smile for common symptoms to determine if treatments from your... read more »
Did you know that saliva plays a crucial role in your oral health care by working to neutralize harmful acids and rinsing away plaque buildup? Yes, it’s true! Thus, it is essential to make sure you have saliva production in your mouth. To assist with saliva production, consider chewing gum after meals. In order to protect your smile, always... read more »
Have you ever wondered what the best techniques for preventing plaque and tartar buildup are? Surprisingly, it is exactly what you’ve always been told. Brushing twice daily, flossing once daily and make regular pit stops at your dentist are some the best ways to prevent the buildup of plaque and tartar. Here are a few tips about plaque and tartar... read more »
Did you know that sugar-free gum can prevent cavities? According to numerous studies done on the subject, chewing sugarless gum after a meal for at least 20 minutes helps prevent cavities. But how? The truth is that the cavity-fighters that allow this to occur are not from the sugarless gum itself, but rather the process it creates inside your mouth.... read more »
Are your teeth damaged and in need of a dental bonding treatment? Dental bonding refers to cosmetic alterations to your teeth designed to change its color and shape. Although dental bonding is typically used for a variety of oral needs, it is most commonly used for dental chipping. Dental bonding is a cosmetic tooth restoration treatment designed to improve your... read more »